Telkom Athon is a program that accommodates Telkom employees to improve digital capabilities. Telkom Athon supports and facilitates employee development to upgrade Digital Skills and their potential with the 4C approach; (Course, Coach, Community, and Competition / Challenge) so that they can have a significant impact on the development of Digital Talent for companies. We provide classes equipped with curriculum and mentors to help you improve your digital skills in the fields of Data Science, Cyber Security, UI / UX & Product Management, React Native, Front-End, Back-End, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Full Stack Programmer, UI/UX, Artifical Intelegence, Internet of Things, and Virtual Reality Engineering.
Your steps to become a digital talent ready
Participants will be selected through 4 stages of selection:
Participants will be given certified courses from learning platforms such as coursera and udemy. Also from other sources that are trusted and professional in their fields.
Participants will be accompanied by an expert mentor in their field and there will be mentoring either privately or publicly related to the stream they are participating in.
Participants are accommodated with various community platforms such as eventeers, websites, telegrams to share knowledge, mingle and networking.
Participants will be evaluated through competition by giving real use cases related to the company and participants must present their use cases in front of the top management of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia.
Graduation day for all students and project offering also digital assesment.
Choose your favorite stream!
Telkom Athon adalah program pengembangan talent internal PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia yang berfokus pada digital skill. Journey Telkom Athon dimulai dari selection-course-coach-community-competition. Saat ini Telkom Athon sudah terlaksana sebanyak 4 batch dan telah dimulai untuk batch 5 dengan stream Data Science, UI/UX & Product Management, Front End, Back End, serta ada stream baru yakni Virtual Reality Engineering, Artificial Intelligence dan Internet of Things.
Sebagai karyawan internal PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tentunya kita tahu bahwa core value BUMN itu adalah AKHLAK. Dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalamnya dan membantu merealisasikan upaya perusahaan dalam bertransformasi menjadi DIGITAL TELCO COMPANY, tentunya hal tersebut dapat tercapai jika kita membantu mentransformasikan diri kita menjadi digital talent yang dibutuhkan perusahaan bahkan Indonesia.
Tenang aja bos, kalian dikasih kesempatan untuk belajar dulu dan didampingi expert/mentor untuk membantu teman-teman cepat memahami materi-nya.
Passionate dulu nihh yang penting, maju belajar dan komitmen. Ikuti seluruh tahapan seleksinya: